SLCC EE Lab Grading Policy

Write in Lab Notebook and Write in Formal Report Each Week

Student's notebook and report will be completed and graded during lab time by the requirements in this and other SLCC EE files, not by the U of U pdf document.

Students are expected to complete and have graded the notebook, then the report descriptions of the experiment sections worked on as a class before leaving lab each week. Open lab time may be used to help a student who needs more time to complete that weeks' work before the start of the next lab period.

If any section requirement is incomplete in either the notebook or the report, then that section is worth no credit for both notebook and report. If more time is available, the student corrects the problem(s) that caused incomplete, then re-submits for another attempt at full-credit. (See Deadlines section below.)

Lab Notebook

All hand-written entries are to be IN INK, NOT PENCIL. Your lab instructor does not read entries written in pencil.

Your notebook record must be clear enough that another student would be able to complete and understand each experiment using only your notes, our lab equipment, and skills a typical student has when registering for this class. Proceedures, derivations, figures, and tables need descriptions to help your reader understand the process.

When MatLab™, Multisim™, Orcad™, Xilinx™ or other tools were used in analysis, then program listings and plots need to be included.

MatLab™ is used extensively in understanding and completing EE experiments. Do the exercises found in B4.m if you have not yet used MatLab™ in any class or need a refresher exercise.

Formal Report

You will write an introduction which:

You will write the body of a report which:

You will write an abstract which:


Submitting a completed notebook and report for grading Before the Deadline is the only way to receive credit.

Before the Deadline includes:

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